Exercise 69.3: Sentences of comparison

Do the following sentences of comparison have exactly the same meaning as the sentences above them? Answer Yes or No.

Example: It was 0oC in Edmonton yesterday. It was 12oC in Calgary yesterday.
It was much warmer in Calgary than Edmonton yesterday.
Answer: yes.

1. England is a good team. Ireland is a very good team.
England is a much better team than Ireland.

Yes No

2. Canada is not a very good team. The USA is not at all good.
The USA is a worse team than Canada.

Yes No

3. John has $10. Maria has $15. Peter has $95.
John has much less money than Peter.

Yes No

4. John has $10. Maria has $15. Peter has $95.
Peter is much poorer than the other two.

Yes No

Unit 69