A noun is a word for something in the world. It can describe a person (teacher), a thing (desk), a place (school), a time (year), a feeling (fear), an action (reply) or an event (lesson).


English nouns have very few forms. There are only two numbers: singular (one) and plural (two or more). It does not matter how we use a noun in a sentence; the form is usually the same. The form is sometimes different only with the genitive (Unit 49).


ORDINARY  [S] girl [P] girls
GENITIVE  [S] girl's [P] girls'

NOTICE:The pronunciation of girls, girl's and girls' is exactly the same.

Types of noun

PROPER NOUNS (Unit 48) are names.
EXAMPLES: John, Paris

MASS NOUNS (Unit 47) have only one form.
EXAMPLES: time, water

UNIT NOUNS have plural (Unit 46) and sometimes genitive forms (Unit 49).
EXAMPLES: hour, cup

Noun phrases

A noun phrase can be:

In every noun phrase, one noun (or pronoun) is the most important word. The other words 'belong' to it and give more information about it. You can learn about these other words in Units 51-60.

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